Integrated strategies for scaling up micro-irrigation in Guatemala, India and Madagascar
giovedì 27 dicembre 2012
venerdì 14 dicembre 2012
Scampis Lessons Learned
Scampis demonstrated that integrated strategies for rural livelihood improvement are indispensable for sustainable scaling-up of micro-irrigation.
- Institutions involvement is crucial for the structural embedding of MIS for more productive agricultural production
- Local availability of low-cost MIS supply chain together with post
- Strengthening farmers knowledge in intensive agricultural practices and management of savings
- Diversified and safe vegetable production, conservation (for own supply and for the market) and strategic marketing for sales knowledge is important to move farmers from extreme poverty to logic of micro-investments and plans for the future.
Read and download the Scampis detailed lessons learned.
martedì 4 dicembre 2012
Scampis MSC - Information Note for KM/KS writeshop (Bangkok 3-7/12/2012)
This information note was prepared to share the Scampis MSC experience during an international event (Bangkog 3-7 December 2012). It gives a general idea of why and how MSC has been readapted for the Scampis needs and gives share the practical experience of Scampis India who implemented the methodology (May - October 2012). References to the Guatemala experiences and to the media material (videos, photos) are also available within the document.
lunedì 12 novembre 2012
lunedì 5 novembre 2012
Scampis MSC Analysis - findings
Below you can find synthesis of the MSC analysis made on 3 levels:
- Field staff level
- National level
- Cross country level (India --> Guatemala & Guatemala --> India)
The various analysis have been coded and compared. The images below show the main MSC identified during the analysis process (6 for each country).
- Field staff level
- National level
- Cross country level (India --> Guatemala & Guatemala --> India)
The various analysis have been coded and compared. The images below show the main MSC identified during the analysis process (6 for each country).
lunedì 15 ottobre 2012
martedì 9 ottobre 2012
Don Vincente Most Significant Change (Abstracts)
...Abstracts from Most significant Change interview. Download the entire interview txt
2nd Interviewer:
Do you cultivate vegetables? 3rd User: Yes, as you can see we
have vegetables here (the other user asks: before Scampi?) no, before Scampi no,
this program has helped us a lot in the strengthening of our community because
before we had so many weaknesses because some people said that they wanted to
quit because it is a hard job, it has helped our vegetables and plants to be
more nutritive for all the things we put in them, because they work different
in our system comparing them to meat which takes a longer process inside our
body so I prefer the vegetables, and for me it would be better to continue
cultivating more vegetables and I hope this group continues to do so because
sometimes it is hard but we have to keep working to reach a better development
as farmers.
2nd Interviewer:
How is the work organized in the group in this farm? (He repeated the
question) 3rd User: We are organized in 5
people who know the place, we studied the land because it had a yellow color
and did not produce anything but thanks to the effort of the group we prepared
the land, fertilized the ground, put manure of cattle, hens and other types, we
strained the soil to have different types for example the prepared soil called
this way because it has been strained and mixed with cattle manure it also has fish
bones and egg shells and ashes all very good mixed and we put them in bags all
the manure which we always use, each time the group come to water the land each
person brings their own manure and put them little by little in the ground
after being strained and we also tell the people to bring bones so we grind
them and have better results in the nutrition of the plant because we have
better harvest in this case bigger radishes.
2nd Interviewer:
Was it difficult to organize the group in the beginning? 3rd User: Yes, it was difficult
because we had to face several weaknesses because some people wanted and other
did not want to be part because some thought it was too much work, and for that
reason communities like ours have many difficulties among the people because
they don’t always like to work and for us that is a problem because the ones
who want to improve and fight like us against our worse poverty which for me is
the mental poverty the one we have to fight because it is hard for us because
we are not prepared sometimes it is our own fault for our lack of desire to
improve because when opportunities like this come we have to use them and I
would like to invite the entire group to keep working hard because it is the
best way to have a better life.
1st Interviewer:
After Scampis what do you plan to reach in a near future? 3rd User: Well for me if we had
the opportunity for now it is only a dream if we could have a better mechanism
to use water so we do not have to waste it and use it as much as we could and
be able to use it for our harvest because as we can see here the family is
washing things and wasting water and I think that there is a way we can use it
or even having some kind of watering system more advanced to use and even to
commercialize it because right now it is only for consumption and with that
system we could have a better result that is a dream a better watering system
but who knows if God helps us I believe we can have it if we continue working
2nd Interviewer:
Thank you so much for your time.
giovedì 13 settembre 2012
Untold Stories Seminar: participants thoughts..
This are the participants thought about:
- What I liked about the seminar
- What I learned
- What action I feel I should undertake after this seminar
- What I liked about the seminar
- What I learned
- What action I feel I should undertake after this seminar
domenica 2 settembre 2012
venerdì 31 agosto 2012
Article on IFAD Social Blog about Untold Stories
Micro Irrigation under Spotlight at Stockholm World Water Week #wwweek
Posted by
Beate Stalsett
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
By Charles Dhewa
IFAD’s work on Scaling Up Micro Irrigation Systems (SCAMPIS) attracted a full house during the first day of Stockholm World Water Week (26 August 2012). In a session entitled “Micro-Irrigation for Food Security: The Untold Stories of Forgotten Stakeholders”,
participants listened to fascinating stories from Guatemala, Madagascar
and India where 30 000 people have been moved out of poverty through
the SCAMPIS project. The project has shown the benefits of combining
investment in Agriculture Water Management with innovation involving the
private sector.
The session generated thoughtful and useful comments from the participants. Some of the emerging issues and questions include:
- Return on investment in Micro Irrigation Systems;
- The need for scaling up Micro Irrigation Systems to consider the depletion of blue water (water in rivers, dams, streams and other reservoirs) which is used by irrigation;
- Need to look at self adoption by people outside the projects who learn by observing and implementing the technology in their own contexts;
- Men should also work in the field rather than leaving the bulk of the work to women and children;
- It is important to explore and expand markets for crops because this determines investment. Scaling up depends on market demand;
- While micro credit should be considered, it is not suitable for the majority of smallholders due to high interest rates, among other factors such as expectation for obtaining subsidies;
- While most technologies tend to exclude the poorest of the poor, Micro Irrigation Systems are suitable for these vulnerable groups; and, it is also important to explore alternative energy systems for pumping water.
The main conclusion was that the main focus is not to scale up
technology but to reduce poverty and improve the lives of rural poor
lunedì 27 agosto 2012
Micro-irrigation for food security: untold stories of forgotten stakeholders
Scampis seminar at World Water Week, Stockholm, Sweden.
Watch the single stories on the Untold Stories Youtube Playlist
giovedì 23 agosto 2012
Mis-Geography: the role play game for strategies and negoziation simulations!
What is MIS-Geography???
It is a simulation of real life experiences, tuff negotiations and incredible problems (always, constantly happending during a project-programme development) can or cannot be solved thanks to the effort of brave and smart coordinators and policy makers.
What is the objective of the game is to develop strategies for scaling up micro-irrigation systems (MIS) in a time-span of 6 years.....or obstacle and slow down the dissemination of MIS!
Who will win?
The game will let you discuss, argue, negotiate and finally find solutions and more than something else will let you have fun, learning!!!!!
(The game has been ideated by Cecilia Ruberto, more info:
lunedì 13 agosto 2012
Micro-irrigation Stories on FaceBook
Scampis is finally on Facebook
Join our group and share your experiences, learn about our experiences!
Join the page: Micro Irrigation Stories on Facebook!domenica 1 luglio 2012
Tell a Story!!
In this section we are uploading useful web-links that help us in understanding the importance of listening and telling stories.
Why a story is so powerful?
How can we include the stories in our monitoring evaluation and learning systems?
How to be a good story-teller?
2. Aaron Shepard’s Storytelling Page : Telling a Story, Stories to Tell
3. Muscles of Immagination A synthesis for story-telling by Cecilia Ruberto
How can we include the stories in our monitoring evaluation and learning systems?
How to be a good story-teller?
1. Pacific Resources for Education and Learning, By Word of Mouth: A Storytelling Guide for the Classroom by Jeff Gere, Beth-Ann Kozlovich, Daniel A. Kelin II www.prel.org2. Aaron Shepard’s Storytelling Page : Telling a Story, Stories to Tell
3. Muscles of Immagination A synthesis for story-telling by Cecilia Ruberto
mercoledì 6 giugno 2012
lunedì 4 giugno 2012
giovedì 17 maggio 2012
The Most significant Change Strategy
Implemented for the SCAMPIS Project (micro-irrigation and natural fertilization for vulnerable small-holders), to improve the M&E strategy and the International Learning/Sharing Platform (Learning Path).
Involved organizations:
IFAD (Water and Infrastructure desk)
Guatemala: Funcafé;
Started in:
Guatemala - Oriental Region (April 2012)
India - Orissa Region (May 2012)
The Scampis MSC steps are
1 - Stories Collection by young reporters
A small group of young reportes (trained by Scampis staff, age between 12 - 16) interview farmers of their own community. Modaily interviewr, video recording and photos makers.
2 - Field level analysis
The project local staff analyse the videos collected on the field and discuss about i)Most Significant Change perceived by the interviewed ii) Most Significant Difficoulties iii) Innovations and Hidden aspects of the project. Among the almost 30 videos 10 are selected to continue the analysis process.
3 - National Level analysis
Project supervisor and National staff analyse the videos (same criteria mentioned above) and select 6 videos.
4 - International Level analysis
The partner counties and IFAD will do the analysis on the 6 videos selected
5 - Linking MSC to M&E data collection
The qualitative and quantitative information will be linked together in order to provide a overall comprhensive understanding of the project, the achievements and the strategies implemented. This will provide a useful tool for the future to design and implement effective strategies for scaling up micro-irrigation.
The variation from the ufficial MSC process
The Scampis MSC has been introduced during the last stage of the project due to a concrete need to improve the understanding of the project, numbers and data collected were not enough to understand the real changes and their dimensions. Due to this late start the stories collection has not been a continuous and incremental process (as it should be in order to capture the real change - daily change and challenges). The strong interest in the implementing organization in developing and practicing the method to discover/understand the project brought to the formulation of the Scampis MSC. In this strategy the collection of the stories is limited in the time and the analysis of the stories is extremely articulated and developed in order to be sure to internalize the knowledge and transform it in learning (learning for change). The cross countries analysis is a fundamental step for the process. The analysis developed at each stage is a way to let the staff recognize the impact of their activities and understand how to improve them.
Involved organizations:
IFAD (Water and Infrastructure desk)
Guatemala: Funcafé;
Started in:
Guatemala - Oriental Region (April 2012)
India - Orissa Region (May 2012)
The Scampis MSC steps are
1 - Stories Collection by young reporters
A small group of young reportes (trained by Scampis staff, age between 12 - 16) interview farmers of their own community. Modaily interviewr, video recording and photos makers.
2 - Field level analysis
The project local staff analyse the videos collected on the field and discuss about i)Most Significant Change perceived by the interviewed ii) Most Significant Difficoulties iii) Innovations and Hidden aspects of the project. Among the almost 30 videos 10 are selected to continue the analysis process.
3 - National Level analysis
Project supervisor and National staff analyse the videos (same criteria mentioned above) and select 6 videos.
4 - International Level analysis
The partner counties and IFAD will do the analysis on the 6 videos selected
5 - Linking MSC to M&E data collection
The qualitative and quantitative information will be linked together in order to provide a overall comprhensive understanding of the project, the achievements and the strategies implemented. This will provide a useful tool for the future to design and implement effective strategies for scaling up micro-irrigation.
The variation from the ufficial MSC process
The Scampis MSC has been introduced during the last stage of the project due to a concrete need to improve the understanding of the project, numbers and data collected were not enough to understand the real changes and their dimensions. Due to this late start the stories collection has not been a continuous and incremental process (as it should be in order to capture the real change - daily change and challenges). The strong interest in the implementing organization in developing and practicing the method to discover/understand the project brought to the formulation of the Scampis MSC. In this strategy the collection of the stories is limited in the time and the analysis of the stories is extremely articulated and developed in order to be sure to internalize the knowledge and transform it in learning (learning for change). The cross countries analysis is a fundamental step for the process. The analysis developed at each stage is a way to let the staff recognize the impact of their activities and understand how to improve them.
The Scampis MSC strategy (India, MSC training, May 2012) |
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What is the Most Significant Change Technique? |
sabato 12 maggio 2012
Most Significant Change Training, Bhubaneswar, 9 – 10 May 2012
Objectives of the training
- Explain what the Most Significant Change (MSC) technique and practice MSC with participants
- Identification and planning of the MSC strategy for SCAMPIS project
The MSC has been
presented and discussed in plenary. The participants understood the main
differences between quantitative monitoring and qualitative monitoring. They
also identified the differences between simple stories collection and MSC
stories collection. The
importance of not influencing the interviewed and create the good environment
for letting him/her tell the own story has been captured through exercises.
The participants
practices exercise for the stories collection and analysis
The participant
develop their own MSC strategy to apply in the fields in following 2 weeks
The workshop hosted 26 participants (see
participants list annex) with roles and responsibilities coming from different
- Scampis staff: BA, VBM and dealer
- NGOs
- Farmers
- Facilitators: Cecilia Ruberto (IFAD); Tapan (IDEI)
The participants are all in the position to be the
implementers and designer of the Most Significant Change for SCAMPIS India.
Introduction of MSC. Why we use this tool, to
achieve which results: learning and improve our work improve our activities
planning. To learn and use the knowledge for a more effective activities. Also
to know the hidden stories that are behind the use of MIS technologies, the
secret interlinks with the real stories, with the context, families and
villages relations, constraints faced in the process.
A great effort has been put on 3 points
Create the friendly environment
conditions that enable to get the story of life
- Analysis
process: the purpose of the analysis process
Practice the technique
understanding which are the critical points in implementing it
The participants divided per group following the
different district in which they work identified the strategy to implement MSC.
The participant decided t
Finally each participant received her/his
participation certificate diploma.
The participants identified the following strategy
to develop the MSC stories collection:
- Organize
village meeting and explain what MSC is about and identify farmers interested
in sharing their story and kids interested in collecting the stories.
- In
a second moment (after few days) train the kids of the village in collecting
the story, method of interview, use of flipcam and photograph machine.
- In
the same day of the training go to the farmers of their own village to collect
the stories/interviews.
Training Participants
The methodology has been overall considered useful
and not complex to develop. Generally MSC has been identified as an appropriate
tool not only to show the change at the field level, but also to reflect on the
strategy adopted by the same staff. The work with group of kids has not
identified as a barrier, on the contrary has been consider a good way to
reflect the “real story of the farmers” and don’t influence it.
The staff will have the challenge to develop good
training technique for the kids and to do so the collaboration between SCAMPIS,
OTELP and NGO will be extremely useful (different skills and competencies).
“Previously we didn’t evaluate properly our work as
we didn’t know how to do it. A proper evaluation will improve our plan and
“I hope I can use MSC for different projects. I will
teach others to use this technique. I believe that this technique is good also
to evaluate our own life”
“MSC allow people to say what they want to say”
“I feel that now I learn how to collect information
and how to evaluate them”
“Previously I was thinking that that was and
ordinary agricultural training, but then she discovered that was about a
technique to collect stories for learning. OTELP always had difficulties in
collecting stories, now we know that is not difficult. We do a lot of work but
we are not able to show how our work bring the change. This tool will help us
in improve our planning and knowledge”
“Until now I was used to do surveys, surveys are
difficult. With the MSC we have a big responsibilities, thanks to MSC farmers
will be able to express their own story to their village and friends. They will
be happy.”
“I think we should share the videos with the same
villages and communities where it has been recorded, this will encourage other
“The farmers not always think in terms of “change”
the MSC will let them think in terms of change, they will explain the
differences with the past”
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