...Abstracts from Most significant Change interview. Download the entire interview txt
2nd Interviewer:
Do you cultivate vegetables? 3rd User: Yes, as you can see we
have vegetables here (the other user asks: before Scampi?) no, before Scampi no,
this program has helped us a lot in the strengthening of our community because
before we had so many weaknesses because some people said that they wanted to
quit because it is a hard job, it has helped our vegetables and plants to be
more nutritive for all the things we put in them, because they work different
in our system comparing them to meat which takes a longer process inside our
body so I prefer the vegetables, and for me it would be better to continue
cultivating more vegetables and I hope this group continues to do so because
sometimes it is hard but we have to keep working to reach a better development
as farmers.
2nd Interviewer:
How is the work organized in the group in this farm? (He repeated the
question) 3rd User: We are organized in 5
people who know the place, we studied the land because it had a yellow color
and did not produce anything but thanks to the effort of the group we prepared
the land, fertilized the ground, put manure of cattle, hens and other types, we
strained the soil to have different types for example the prepared soil called
this way because it has been strained and mixed with cattle manure it also has fish
bones and egg shells and ashes all very good mixed and we put them in bags all
the manure which we always use, each time the group come to water the land each
person brings their own manure and put them little by little in the ground
after being strained and we also tell the people to bring bones so we grind
them and have better results in the nutrition of the plant because we have
better harvest in this case bigger radishes.
2nd Interviewer:
Was it difficult to organize the group in the beginning? 3rd User: Yes, it was difficult
because we had to face several weaknesses because some people wanted and other
did not want to be part because some thought it was too much work, and for that
reason communities like ours have many difficulties among the people because
they don’t always like to work and for us that is a problem because the ones
who want to improve and fight like us against our worse poverty which for me is
the mental poverty the one we have to fight because it is hard for us because
we are not prepared sometimes it is our own fault for our lack of desire to
improve because when opportunities like this come we have to use them and I
would like to invite the entire group to keep working hard because it is the
best way to have a better life.
1st Interviewer:
After Scampis what do you plan to reach in a near future? 3rd User: Well for me if we had
the opportunity for now it is only a dream if we could have a better mechanism
to use water so we do not have to waste it and use it as much as we could and
be able to use it for our harvest because as we can see here the family is
washing things and wasting water and I think that there is a way we can use it
or even having some kind of watering system more advanced to use and even to
commercialize it because right now it is only for consumption and with that
system we could have a better result that is a dream a better watering system
but who knows if God helps us I believe we can have it if we continue working
2nd Interviewer:
Thank you so much for your time.
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