Untold Stories about Micro Irrigation

The Scampis project has been a very special project. The seminar “Micro-irrigation for food security: the untold stories of forgotten stakeholders”at the World Water Week 2012, put in place an innovative way of presenting what the project has been for farmers, implementers and different stakeholders involved. Instead of systematized presentations, the seminar challenged the guests in surfing into three projects, spreading coloures, sounds, images all around the room and sharing fascinating stories. 

Various points of view, various experiences enriched the SCAMPIS seminar discussion at the WWW. The goal for the seminar was to bring the audience into a unconventional space-time trip, let try the taste of the Scampis projects in India, Guatemala and Madagascar, point out which have been the challenges and the achievements of the implementing partners in scaling-up MIS.
The dynamic discussions, the thousands of questions have shown how this approach really obtained the commitment of the audience in listening at the stories, participating and leave with new ideas, commitments. 
Learning Notes available here.
The working paper distributed during the event has also been found very interesting. 

Finally it has been clear at the end of the day how the micro-irrigation system is a useful tool that in the appropriate conditions could effectively improve livelihood of vulnerable farmers especially if integrated in larger and complete programs. Gender, Youth, Financial institutions (formal or informal), Market Knowledge, Intensive and Natural agricultural skills, are only some of the key elements that should always go hand in hand when MIS is applied. Dynamic and integrated partnerships and long terms plans are the platform on which any strategy should be based.

Micro-Irrigation: Tackling the Complex Web of Poverty

Context and Achievements of the Project.
Mr. Rudolph Cleveringa, IFAD

Interest of Private Sector in Micro-Irrigation for Food Security.
Ms. Sibyl Anwander Phan-Huy Coopernic Group, Switzerland

Understanding Numbers through Stories: The Scampis Monitoring Evaluation and Learning Process
Ms. Cecilia Ruberto, IFAD


Untold Stories About Micro-Irrigation… and Much More

Guatemala Stories

How micro-irrigation contributed in saving Lester's life. 
Ms. Magalì Avila Chosco, Funcafè, Guatemala

Introduction of School Garden in the Hierba Buena community, Guatemala. Mr. Santiago Guadalupe Girón de Leon, Funcafè, Guatemala.

Overall Scaling up of Integrated Strategies for Micro-irrigation and Scaling up with Coffee Producer. Mr. Mynor David Maldonado, Mazariegos, Funcafè, Guatemala

India Stories


Innovation brings happiness. Mr. Tapan Pattanayak, IDEI, India

The Promotion Strategy and Involvement of Tribal Farmers.Mr. Bijaya Kumar Rout, IDEI

Scaling up MIS - Integrating MIS in Indian National Programme for Livelihood Improvement, Complexity and
Opportunitie. Mr. Susanta Nanda, OTELP, India


  Madagascar Stories

How and Why a Small Entrepreneur Started the Business on Micro-irrigation and Future Opportunitie. Mr. Lova Randriambelo, Innovagri, Madagascar

Establishment of Micro-irrigation Market Chain, The Strategy. Mr. Feno Andriamanalina, AVSF, Madagascar

Scaling up MIS - Integrating MIS in Madagascar National Programme for Livelihood Improvement, Complexity and Opportunities..Mr. Christin Ramaroson, AD2M and CapFIDA, Madagascar


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