sabato 12 maggio 2012

Most Significant Change Training, Bhubaneswar, 9 – 10 May 2012

Objectives of the training
  • Explain what the Most Significant Change (MSC) technique and practice MSC with participants
  • Identification and planning of the MSC strategy for SCAMPIS project

Results of the training

         i.            The MSC has been presented and discussed in plenary. The participants understood the main differences between quantitative monitoring and qualitative monitoring. They also identified the differences between simple stories collection and MSC stories collection. The importance of not influencing the interviewed and create the good environment for letting him/her tell the own story has been captured through exercises. 

        ii.            The participants practices exercise for the stories collection and analysis

      iii.            The participant develop their own MSC strategy to apply in the fields in following 2 weeks 


The workshop hosted 26 participants (see participants list annex) with roles and responsibilities coming from different organizations.

  • Scampis staff: BA, VBM and dealer
  • NGOs
  • Farmers
  • Facilitators: Cecilia Ruberto (IFAD); Tapan (IDEI)

The participants are all in the position to be the implementers and designer of the Most Significant Change for SCAMPIS India.


Introduction of MSC. Why we use this tool, to achieve which results: learning and improve our work improve our activities planning. To learn and use the knowledge for a more effective activities. Also to know the hidden stories that are behind the use of MIS technologies, the secret interlinks with the real stories, with the context, families and villages relations, constraints faced in the process.

A great effort has been put on 3 points

-       Create the friendly environment conditions that enable to get the story of life

-       Analysis process: the purpose of the analysis process

-       Practice the technique understanding which are the critical points in implementing it

The participants divided per group following the different district in which they work identified the strategy to implement MSC. The participant decided t

Finally each participant received her/his participation certificate diploma.

The participants identified the following strategy to develop the MSC stories collection:

-       Organize village meeting and explain what MSC is about and identify farmers interested in sharing their story and kids interested in collecting the stories.

-       In a second moment (after few days) train the kids of the village in collecting the story, method of interview, use of flipcam and photograph machine.

-       In the same day of the training go to the farmers of their own village to collect the stories/interviews.

Training Participants Evaluation

The methodology has been overall considered useful and not complex to develop. Generally MSC has been identified as an appropriate tool not only to show the change at the field level, but also to reflect on the strategy adopted by the same staff. The work with group of kids has not identified as a barrier, on the contrary has been consider a good way to reflect the “real story of the farmers” and don’t influence it.

The staff will have the challenge to develop good training technique for the kids and to do so the collaboration between SCAMPIS, OTELP and NGO will be extremely useful (different skills and competencies).

“Previously we didn’t evaluate properly our work as we didn’t know how to do it. A proper evaluation will improve our plan and work”

“I hope I can use MSC for different projects. I will teach others to use this technique. I believe that this technique is good also to evaluate our own life”

“MSC allow people to say what they want to say”

“I feel that now I learn how to collect information and how to evaluate them”

“Previously I was thinking that that was and ordinary agricultural training, but then she discovered that was about a technique to collect stories for learning. OTELP always had difficulties in collecting stories, now we know that is not difficult. We do a lot of work but we are not able to show how our work bring the change. This tool will help us in improve our planning and knowledge”

“Until now I was used to do surveys, surveys are difficult. With the MSC we have a big responsibilities, thanks to MSC farmers will be able to express their own story to their village and friends. They will be happy.”

“I think we should share the videos with the same villages and communities where it has been recorded, this will encourage other farmers”

“The farmers not always think in terms of “change” the MSC will let them think in terms of change, they will explain the differences with the past”

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