Learning Path Videos
From 3 to 7 October, The SCAMPIS project organized in
Madagascar an international exchange visit part of a learning programme
called "Scampis Learning Path".
Participants from Guatemala, India
and Madagascar, had the opportunity to exchange their knowledge and
experiences about integrated and sustainable strategies for
micro-irrigation systems (ISS-MIS).
The exchange included field visits, exchanges/discussions with local stakeholders about the adoption and promotion of micro-irrigation. Health, nutrition and use of natural pesticides and fertilizers, as well as scaling up and M&E will be the main topics for discussions and daily practice.
The SCAMPIS "Learning Path" has been a place for:
- Building new relationships and cooperation between different actors and countries
- Sharing innovations and challenges encountered during implementation
- And finally, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the project through the exchange of best practices
The exchange included field visits, exchanges/discussions with local stakeholders about the adoption and promotion of micro-irrigation. Health, nutrition and use of natural pesticides and fertilizers, as well as scaling up and M&E will be the main topics for discussions and daily practice.
The SCAMPIS "Learning Path" has been a place for:
- Building new relationships and cooperation between different actors and countries
- Sharing innovations and challenges encountered during implementation
- And finally, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the project through the exchange of best practices
videos below have been recoded during the Learnign Path Workshop, and
edited by the journalist/cameraman Mr. Francois Totoson. (Please, note that the videos will be subtitled in english
Learning Path Workshop, a snapshot of the event…
The South-South learning exchange “SCAMPIS Learning Path” took place in Madagascar from 3rd to 7th October 2011 between 3 continents: Asia (India), Latin America (Guatemala) and Africa (Madagascar).
The main goal was sharing and learning from each country’s knowledge and experiences to find out integrated and sustainable strategies for scaling-up the micro-irrigation systems. Knowledge sharing and learning was held mainly in the field with farmers. Each country should end up with innovations (to be taken home) and suggestions from their experiences (to be shared) with highly participative and proactive approaches.
The South-South learning exchange “SCAMPIS Learning Path” took place in Madagascar from 3rd to 7th October 2011 between 3 continents: Asia (India), Latin America (Guatemala) and Africa (Madagascar).
The main goal was sharing and learning from each country’s knowledge and experiences to find out integrated and sustainable strategies for scaling-up the micro-irrigation systems. Knowledge sharing and learning was held mainly in the field with farmers. Each country should end up with innovations (to be taken home) and suggestions from their experiences (to be shared) with highly participative and proactive approaches.
Learning: The learning process was fully
achieved for all participants. Each one went back home with at least 2
innovations or proposals to be tested in his/her country. Six topics
have been discussed during the field visits: technology adoption,
nutrition, natural fertilization and pesticide, promotional activities,
access to rural finance, value chain (from manufacturing to the end
Sharing: A very high level of
participation was reached as well as socialization of all participants.
Sharing among the group was successful during formal or informal visits.
The actors such as farmers, dealers or manufacturers we visited were
able to interact with the LP group to ask questions or suggestions from
the 3 countries.
Networking: The LP participants as well as
local and national stakeholders expressed their willingness to continue
learning and sharing from each other. Anyhow the most effective tools
and ways still need to be defined.
learned from the countries Each country took lessons and
brought back home many innovations that came out from exchanges, field
visits and discussions. The main ones were:
- Use of recycled materials for
manufacturing water pumps (experience from Madagascar)
- Use of audio, video, media as part
of scaling-up strategies
- Nutrition/cooking lessons as an
integrated approach toward the MIS (experience from Guatemala)
- Use of public places such as schools
and hospitals as demonstration sites as per promotional strategy
(experience from Guatemala)
- Promotion of adaptable kits
according to needs and demands of farmers (size and accessories)
(suggestion from India)
3rd October
1) Participants presentations
and identifications of the objectives of the LP workshop
2) Agenda of the workshop and
methodology for learning
3)Field visit : Ambohimanga –Mr Mamy,
progressive farmer
From the LP Diary “First day of LP is
quite exciting, eye opened for me (and hopefully for all) on the
‘SCAMPIS world” Debasis (India)
4th October
Activities (field visits)
1) Itaosy: exchange with dealer,
technical promoter and farmers : theater performances and presentation
of India on 2)Promotions Strategies implemented by IDEI for Scampis
2)Visita at Gasc’art studio in
Bevalala – pump manufactur
4)Visit at the « La Ferme d’Ivato :
farmers association with bio-production using MIS
From the LP Diary « A pesar del
cansancio y el cambio de hora, conoces a tantas personces involocrudas
en el desarollo y la alimentacion de las personas es satisfactorio.
Tenemos idiomas y costumbres diferentes peso estamos hoa endo lo mismo »
Rolando (Guatemala)
5th October
1) Guatemala presentation
(Prorural & Scampis Guatemala project)
2) Imeritsiatosika (Field
Visit): progressive dealer who implements micro-rural finance
3) Centre Tsinjoaina (Field
Visit): meeting with a small association of women who use rotative fund
for improve livelihood condition (health, food security, agriculture
with micro-irrigation, etc); presentation on the role of the Self Help
Groups in India and interactions with OTELP programme
4) Ambohijafy field visit and
meeting with, dealer and farmer, presentation on technologies adaptation
and strategy of the dealer; presentation of the Guatemalean strategies
in the schools: advantages and difficulties in promoting the
technologies in the school and implementing school gardens
5) Patrakala & Innovagri
presentations « Production and empowerment strategy of the production
From the LP Diary “Today the field
visit with the local NGOs and other stakeholders was more interacting on
the Scampis programme. We came to know their role in the Scampis
programme Madagascar” NCP (India)
6th October
1) Practical exercise:
production of MIS kits with Patrakala and Innovagri
2) Village de la Joie (Field
Visit)Introduction of the village ;
3) Exchange and practice on
nutrition, Guatemala facilitation : preparation of carrot dessert and
carrots and organge juice
4) Exchange and practice on
natural fertilization : Guatemala facilitation (vermi-compost) and
Director of Protection des Végétaux Madagascar (natural pesticide)
From the LP diary « C’est une journée
où on a eu le plus d’échanges sur la valorisation des produits issus du
SMI (proposition de recettes) avec Guatemala, et les engrais liquides
ainsi que les luttes bio contre les maladies et insectes », Christin
7th October
Final workshop open to the public :
1) Focuses on SCAMPIS India,
Guatemala and Madagascar : presentations on « innovations I will
suggest, difficulties perceived by the communities and suggestions »
2) Role of communication (audio,
viedeo and other media)
3) « I.S. » strategies for
scaling-up Micro-irrigation Systems ? - Integrated and Sustainable
strategies for scaling-up MIS
4) Lunch discussion on the best
tools to use to continua the interactions
evaluation and discussion
From the LP diary « En la discusiòn de
hoy espero poder haber algunos aportes para mejoros la ejcucion del
proyecto SCAMPIS, el cual esta llevando muchas benuficios a personas
pobres en los 3 Paises y no olvidar que el riego es un medio y no un fin
» Rolando (Guatemala)